Making the World Better

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Goodies for the disadvantaged
Lich 0 457 by Lich
Mar 20, 2017 15:25:41 GMT


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Making the World Better
All threads created here should be ways this community can actively help others. Become...heroes, if that's not too trite to say.

Let's try to make this more than just posting petitions and indiegogos. Can we go real world? Can we make threads to keep each other accountable on volunteering projects? On addiction things we're going through? How heroic can we become?

Political things are not super-appreciated. Let's do things like helping the homeless or taking on human trafficking. If you want to go left-wing, we can talk anti-bullying, and if you want to go right-wing, we can talk anti-putting-people-in-jail-for-their-beliefs, but let's not get into government control discussions. Let's focus on ordinary every day ways we can deal with those things OURSELVES. Put not just our money, but our hands where our mouths are.

You know?
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